Sunday, September 6, 2009


Well. That's depressing. 7 games back, with a month left. No, it's not impossible, but it is going to be one heck of a battle. They've got to be like Cleveland from Major League. What does that mean? IT MEANS GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR RIGHT NOW!

I've gotten some conclusions about where we could be standing now if
1) We hadn't lost ALL games to New York
2) We hadn't lost Kevin Slowey
3) Liriano wasn't such a butt
4) We kept our players healthy
5) We had gotten Crede's back fixed for good
6) We had never called up Keppel
7) We would have had Buscher play more often

And there are plenty more that could be added there.

Just to get it out there so it's not a huge surprise to anyone: On Thursday we have to face Halladay. Brace yourselves folks.

There is one thing that gets my spirits up and hopefully it will lift yours too. You know, we still have 6 more games with Detroit. You know, we could win a bunch of those and be right back in it. Don't give up guys!


Daymonster said...

we have 7 games against detroit.

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