WHAT a series.
First, there was Kubel, and his spectacular game on Friday. Then the Twins' multirun innings in Saturday's game. Then the best pitching performance by Glen Perkins today capped it all off.
I was at today's game and was so glad I got to see Perk Pitch. He did so good! I was shouting "NO! DON'T TAKE HIM OUT! HE WAS DOING SO GOOD!" and, they listened and I was happy. Morales also made me happy today. He is my favorite kid out there!
I also saw a sign today that said: "We have a fever and the only Rx, is more Kubel!" and thought of Karlee from omgmntwins. Ah, I love Kubel...but he didn't get a hit today so I couldn't go super crazy.
And, I almost forgot Mauer's birthday today until I saw this one kids' sign. So, Happy Birthday Joe! Looking forward to you on May 1st! (Also, Happy Birthday to Buscher (yesterday))
Up Next, Boston. (Relax guys, it's only 2 days...please relax). Please take this momentum to Boston with you. please.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
2009's first sweep.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Holy Kubel!
A Grand Slam? To win the game? And Complete the Cycle?!? Jason Kubel, you are the cheese to this teams' macaroni!
Kubel, I know you hate the attention, but you need a "Kubel Day" once in a while. Yesterday you were the best player in baseball! That has got to feel good. Unfortunatly, you took away Harris' happiness when he hit his homerun....but, I think he'll forgive you.
All I gotta say is maybe we should put Kubel in Left field more often! Sorry Delmy, but you haven't impressed my as of now. Delmy=Makes me nervous and often mad. I was starting to go into a Twins losing "sad-stage", but thanks to Kubel, I'm cured!
You also gotta give some credit to Span too. That 2 run double helped out alot. Who knew that us lil' Twins could beat the "oh-so-good" LA Angels?
Ok Twins, we are in 4th place. Lets fuel off of Kubes' fire, and win!! (K-Slow tonight. He's been struggling, so lets get some rocket bats going!)
P.S. Hi Torii Hunter. We still love you, so be nice to us please! :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Where are you Joe Mauer!?
'Cause we need you badly. We just lost two [embarrassing] games to the White Sox, and now we are off to play the "Red Hot" Toronto Blue Jays. Please come home soon. Please?
This series reminded me just how much I despise 1) Paul Konerko 2)Jermaine Dye 3) Jim Thome 4) Alexei Rameriez 5) Carlos Quentin & 6) Ozzy Guillen. That is most of their lineup, so basically, I despise the Chicago White Sox. And no, this doesn't include Joe Crede. He has been converted into a mighty fine Twins man.
Finally, Delmon got his batting average off zero, and today he hit a home run. Slowly he is coming back. Lets just say I hope he does better than last year.
Well, Cuddy, I hope you can forgive yourself after making two errors at 1B. But Morneau's kinda been slacking lately, so we needed to mix it up a bit.
Oh, and I love Jose Morales. He looks like a second grader! Look how innocent that face is. You gotta love it!
Posted by S.Rail at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: losses, Mauer, Morales, Stupid White Sox, Young
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The power of the youngins...
That was a GREAT win last night for the Twins! So glad I stayed up to watch. I hate giving up on the Twins because they are the type of team where anything can happen at any time, anywhere. This happend to be one of those games.
I found myself talking to Buscher at his at bat, soothing him by saying "c'mon baby" (after his Nickname; Busch baby). They zoomed up on his head kind of by his ear, so I considered it a sign and kept saying it over. They zoomed up on Morrow (He reminds me of Rob Morrow from 'Numb3rs'), and I whispered to him: "Throw somthing crappy!" And it worked!
I liked how all the young guys came in at the end to put on a show. Way to go lil' ones! I also liked how Casilla came up to bat with an attitude. He took that first pitch, and boy, he didn't miss it. Oh, and Busch hustlin' home was amazing as well. :D
Posted by S.Rail at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Now, the real deal
FINALLY the offseason is over and we can get on to some REAL baseball. However, it is kind of depressing that it is here because if we just had one more month, we could have Baker and Mauer ready for opening day. ugh, why are we plagued with injuries so bad!
Somthing kinda-not really baseball related:
Ok, So I got this stuffed Narwahl for my birthday and it was right after getting back from Spring Training, so I decided to name him Matty T after my Best Friend Matt Tolbert. Turns out that Matt is going to be playing lil' league this start of the season so I will need my Narwahl more than ever to remind me of him. Oh, poor Matt. He did so well this Spring, and now is sent down. I cry for my best friend!This is it incase you were wondering....
(Isn't he a cutie? That's why I named it after my cute Best Friend Matt Tolbert!)
Ok, back to baseball:
I am glad that we are going into the season with a win. The boys will be in better spirits then. I think that Seattle is going to be a whole lot better this year, so boys? Don't underestimate them. (Unless it's Silva, then maybe)
Also, Jose Morales is so cool. He is on my good side for now. I do hope he does really good to try (I said TRY) to make up for Mauer's awesome-ness behind the plate. I wonder who he'll catch for...Blackburn? Slowey? Those are my guesses.
I will hopefully get those [awesome] pics of [tolbert] Spring Training up soon, and hopefully blog something [GREAT] about our first game of the season on monday.
Posted by S.Rail at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
What terrible news on Scott Baker having to start the year on the DL! I bet he was pumped to be the opening day starter, and now he must be feeling just horrible. This is not good.
So we are already going to hurt because of Mauer being out, and now with Baker, our pitching leader, I wonder how the first month(s) will go. I guess they will just have to be super on offense so save their butts on Defense.
As Bill Smith says: "It's a short term thing". Yeah, thats what you said about Mauer, stupid. Now look where he is! The only positive thing, is that Dickey is going to be the No. 5 starter. Now I can watch his awesome (and quite wierd) pitching. But when Baker comes back, I wan't him out (to the bullpen that is!) because we need the best if we are gunna win this thing.
**Back to better things....
Today's game (The Cuddyer Show) Points of interest
~Cuddy at 1st base! Way to play the field Cuddy!
~Cuddyer got 3 RBI's
~Tolbert got an RBI (not a huge deal, I just like making him feel important)
~Liriano did better than last time
Good Luck tomorrow to K-Slow and Liriano on opening day. Boy, I bet he is excited.
Posted by S.Rail at 3:52 PM 1 comments