So I was in Minneapolis on Sunday visiting a family member in Abbott Hospital (very close to Metrodome, but sadly the Twins were in Texas). We were in the room when a doctor walked in to talk to my family member about rehab etc. While he was talking, I noticed a pin on the collar of his lab coat. What was it? It was this.

A Chicago White Sox Pin.
....And what was I wearing?

My Carlos Gomez Shirt (since, you know, he's "En Fuego" as Coomer thinks).
I joked with him and asked if I could get him a Twins hat since he's a MN doctor, but he said he was a die hard sox fan. (...Why??) He then said that he could get me a Sox pin (does he keep multiple in his office?), but I faithfully declined. No Twins fan would EVER wear Sox Merchandise! :)
So on to the game last night. Mighty Nick Punto. Homerun. Good For You buddy! Why couldn't it have been a 2 or 3 run HR? It would have been great if we would have won. Everyone in our Divison lost (Detroit to Yanks. HA!) so we would have been only 1 game back. Lets hope for a win tonight since Detroit isn't playing. Dang 9:10 games....
IAN MICHAEL KINSLER! How dare you use your good looks to blind us and hit a walk off HR? I thought you were the good Ranger... :(
Mighty Punto!
P.S. Happy Birthday Alexi Casilla! Whooo HOOO! (hit a homerun please)
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